Sunday 13 May 2012

The Finer Details of Star Wars the Old Republic

Star Wars the Old Republic, or as it's more commonly referred to as, SWTOR, was released in December of 2011. The game generated a ton of buzz and in just 3 days managed to land over 1 million subscribers. That alone made SWTOR the fastest growing MMORPG ever, beating out even the giants of the industry such as World of Warcraft. Since it's release The Old Republic hit a high of 1.7 million players but, due to lack of content and boredom, some players ditched the game and now the total subscriber base stands at roughly 1.3 million.

SWTOR is a beautiful and addictive game. With large, open environments and an on the edge of your seat storyline it can really suck you in for hours upon hours. There are multiple storylines as well. There are overall stories for both the Republic and the Empire fleets but there are also other lines for each class within each fleet.
In order to progress through the game you must complete quests (or missions as they are called in SWTOR), earn experience points to level up your character and earn credits to purchase items you need such as weapons, armor and mounts. The equipment that is available to you depends on the class and advanced class that you choose to play as. For instance, a Republic trooper may rely on blaster pistols and cannons while a Sith Inquisitor may use a dual-lightsaber.

Along with your own player you can also obtain companions to aid you in battle and crafting. These characters provide great assistance as they are multi-talented and are easily trained to use SWTOR crew skills such as crafting equipment or gathering materials for you. They can also be the backbone of your PvE strategy by taking lead in battle so you hit opponents from mid to long range without taking much damage yourself. Each class in SWTOR generally has access of up to 5 different companions. You can also earn bonus experience, missions and more by gaining affection from your companions. You can do so by using SWTOR companion gifts or by choosing to make decisions in-game that your companion approves of.

The leveling system of Star Wars the Old Republic is much like any other MMO game. In order to obtain higher levels you must defeat enemies, complete missions and progress through your character's storyline. For many individuals this can be a long and difficult process but thanks to the early creation of the SWTOR guide it is possible to both quickly and easily reach the game's level cap. Through the use of a strategy guide players are able to know the shortcuts to leveling their characters, earn massive amounts of credits and have an advantage in PvP gameplay, too.

Crafting plays a large role in the success of a character in SWTOR as well. There are several skills that help players create unique equipment such as advanced armor, weaponry, modifications for starships and more. These items are both useful for your own player but also for selling on the Galactic Trade Network (GTN) to make tons of credits for yourself. 

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