Monday 21 May 2012

Social networking and new online games

Online gaming industry is growing and this growth has been nothing short phenomenal over the past couple of years. The popularity of online games has brought with them new innovations in all aspects of the game including marketing. One of the many variants of internet communication that also grew in popularity over the recent past is social media websites. Social media websites took real time communication/ data transfer to a whole new level with members being to share information round the clock. According to experts, social media websites are the marketing platform of the future as this form of communication appeals to users of all ages, gender and types.
Social media is not just popular with regular college/work buddies but also with industry specific individuals such as online gamers. With new online bingo sites being launched every minute or so, this is one platform game developers just cannot afford to ignore. Social media websites allow online gamers to interact and get to know various trends that are evolving in the online UK bingo circuit and information here can travel as fast as lightning. Online game developers recently found another use for social media websites-a testing ground for their new games. Many game developers have released their new game variants with social networking members as such releases have many advantages.

Starting off with testing. Online gaming websites when releasing their games via social networking websites for testing are able to get unbiased feedback and reviews from real time players. These are players that have a keen interest with online games meaning they would do a much better job of finding how the game behaves in real time rather than professional testers. In most cases, the feedback such players would give can turn out to be invaluable for improving the game and making sure all aspects of the game are fine-tuned for the real world of online gamers.

Launching preview of games on social media networks also help game developers save time and costs. To be a bit more precise, releasing new games on social media networks mean that the number of players playing the game would be restricted and always manageable. Since the game is being released on a much smaller platform with a smaller audience, developers and game hosts would be able to make any changes to the layout or the interface of the game without a large scale rebuild that can be time consuming and costly.

On a marketing note, there is no better place to launch a new online game than on social media websites. If the gameplay is fresh and users are pleased with how the game structure is laid out, it is possible that the game would get publicity within the social media circles even before it is released for public. Such a game would go viral and has a bigger chance of becoming an instant hit when released for real world players bringing in more revenue and publicity for the game host.

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