Sunday 13 May 2012

Swtor Best Game

Lets begin by asking whats so different about this game? Well unlike all the other star wars game this one is an MMO which can compete with WOW. Most star wars games were awesome but they were first person shooters. Finally there is a star wars games that offers quests, skills, abilities, guilds and much more.

The old republic has such rich gameplay that you will spend hours experiencing quests and exploring new planets. The quests you do reveal the storyline behind the game and unlock different planets to visit. There are some quests that must be completed in order to move on, this prevents you from missing out on the story line.
Next is the great selection of characters you can play as. Star wars the old republic offers 8 different classes and as you play you get to upgrade and develope the character. However, as you progress you unlock 8 more advanced classes which are even better.

There are a few basic classes to choose from such as: Jedi, smuggler, bounty hunter, and a couple more. Each class is so diversified and has different skills and abilities to show. While playing as one character is fun, playing as multiple character is even better. Learning what each character does and what their skills and abilities have to offer is very cool. This also helps you choose your favorite character in the game, but before you do so its a must to play on both sides the Republic and the Sith empire.

Now with a game this detailed its important to have a guide to follow. The guide will help you complete all the quests on time as well as teach you what skills and abilites should be equipped with your character. Now your thinking thats it huh? But theres more , a lot more. This game will keep you busy with its crafting skills and the GTN which is a galactic network where you can sell material and items you have crafted.

The guides also give you great walkthroughs of all the levels which include pictures and videos. Which ever guide you decide to buy you must check out SWTOR Level Guide for reviews and recommendations. Good luck and enjoy the game!

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