Monday 21 May 2012

ear up for new games on Xbox and ps3

Almost all of us have once or more often enjoyed gaming online. Fast replacing the cumbersome videogame setups, the gaming world is much more lively and fun online. Not just internet, even the sophisticated gadgets fast flooding the market provide an easy access to the gaming world. With multi player games, the experience becomes ten-fold more exciting and the development of softwares like Java and Flash add the spark to the graphics involved.

Massive multi player online role playing games have become popular too. In such games, players assume roles in the virtual world and play accordingly. Another popular attraction is the Online Strategy Games. In these games, the outcome and course of the game is determined by the player’s ability to think and take decisions. Online Strategy Games undoubtedly are a favourite for those who like to use their grey cells when playing. Free Downloadable Games- everything from Computer Games, PC Games, Online Strategy Games to Free Xbox 360 Games and PS3 Games are easily available online. While Starcraft, Grand Theft Auto, Minecraft, Dirt-3 top the list when it comes to the best PC Games. Left 4 Dead 2, Medal of honour Allied Assault, Battlefield 1942 top the charts when it comes to Computer Games. Also, Pardus, Allegiance, Navy Field are some of the Free Online Strategy Games available.

As for the above mentioned “sophisticated gadgets”. Needless to say that Xbox 360 and PS3 rule the roost. Where Microsoft fails is that it lacks Sony’s wide ranging studios. Still it manages to maintain its hold by having a similarly fantastic gaming experience as compared to Sony with some great Xbox 360 games like Wake, Halo Reach and Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell Conviction. Sony on the other hand has some amazing games up its sleeve. Its unmatched quality can clearly be seen with such PS3 games like The Last Guardian, Grand Turismo 5, Killzone 3, Resistance 3 and also Agent from Rockstar. But sadly you can’t use Xbox 360 Games on your Playstation and your PS3 games on your Xbox. Until ofcourse you are interested in a lawsuit.

So for all those gaming addicts out there, Free Downloadable Games, Games on your consoles and Gaming online- all of it provides a pleasant digression from the mundane lofty setups. Easy and fun- the gaming world has undergone a massive revolution. Not only are these games available all over but even their range has widened. No more the overtly violent battlefields, now is the time for intelligent and classy gaming.

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