Sunday 13 May 2012

SWTOR Review game

After playing the game for a few weeks I had no choice but to cancle my membership, it just wasent worth the 15 dollars per month. Im sad to say that as its such a great game but in the end it wasent enough for me to continue on the membership. Here are some of my thoughts about the game and what I liked and didint like.

The Pros of the game:

To get started the story of the game is awesome, this game is not about the MMO and PVP but the story that it provides while doing quests. This means you want to take your time reading and listening to the quests that you do instead of skipping the act. To be honest I have no idea why its a MMO, it seems like they should have just made it an RPG.

Flash point quests were a blast, for instance the black talon and the darth malgus had some interesting stuff. However, in some parts the story was lacking but that was made up in other quests.

The in game companians were awesome, they help to complete alot of quests that you wouldnt be able to complete alone. It was a very cool addition that made the gameplay more entertaining.

One of my favorite things was crafting in the game. It actually allowed you to craft while questing which makes it very conveniet, hopefully diablo 3 will have something similar.
Once I hit level 50 it was down hill from there, the game seemed to turn more into a grind for me. But it was fun while leveling up to be a lvl 50.

The gear is very bold, it has no variety to it. This means that everyone in the game looks about the same, which is not cool because I want to be different from everyone else.

PVP was a bit dissappointing as its very imbalanced, its divided between 1-49 and then 50-50 which means you can be a level 10 going against some one thats a level 49. Unless you like getting owned its not to much fun. There are 3 warzones:

Huttball - similar to capture the flag

civil war - domination type match in which you have to control 3 turrets in the middle

voidstar - assult type game, where you either attack or defend an objective

Money isint to hard to get if you stick with the quests, bonus quests, side quests and the flashpoint quests.

The world felt a little restrictive, considering wow is a open world where SWTOR has a bunch of planets which means longer loading times.

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