Sunday 13 May 2012

Baby Shower Games

Baby showers are a great way to celebrate the imminent arrival of a newborn baby. They are a great way to congratulate the mother-to-be and give her an exciting send off before she goes into labour. A baby shower is also a wonderful opportunity to offer useful baby gifts to the new parents, and give practical advice for the journey ahead. As baby showers are supposed to be light-hearted and enjoyable affairs, you should introduce a range of baby shower games for your guests to enjoy. Not only will the baby shower games keep everyone entertained, they may also give the new couple a few child-rearing tips!

One popular and much loved baby shower game is Dress the Baby. Each contestant is handed a doll, and the aim of the game is to remove the dirty clothes from the doll, to clean it and then fit it with new clothes. Of course, Dress the Baby is a competition so it is a race between all the contestants with first prize going to the person who dresses his doll first. To give the game an edge, why not make it into a male only sport? You can then find out who will turn out to be a good, nappy-changing father and who still has a lot to learn!

Another enjoyable baby shower game is Guess Mummy’s Tummy. Every contestant is given a piece of string and it is their job to cut the string to the size they feel will fit exactly around the future mummy’s tummy. Once everyone has cut their string, find out the exact size of mummy’s tummy and then assess all the estimates. The person who was closest to the actual size wins.

There are numerous other fun baby games you can set up at your baby shower. Pin the Sperm on the Egg is a new twist on an old classic. Taking the idea of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, this game has the very same concept but with pictures of a sperm and an egg! Guess the baby picture is another popular baby shower game. Make sure all the mothers bring in their baby pictures as well as pictures of themselves. It is the job of the contestants to match the mother to the baby!

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