Sunday 13 May 2012

Swtor class guides, jedi vs sith

The two most popular charcters in Swtor, which one holds the dominating power? On the light side we have jedi knight while on the dark side we have the sith warrior. Does either one have and advantage over the other ? Does skill matter ? Lastley who should I play as ?

First lets take a quick look at what each character has to offer and keep in mind each class has its benefits and disadvantages.

Lets start with the Jedi Knight the most played character on the light side. Few things to know is the Jedi is known as the peacekeeper as he is there to protect the republics from any threats that may arise.

Jedi knights abilities:

Leather robe as his armor, this makes him light weight and super fast which means he can evade attacks. Although this means he is weak in defense and can die faster unless he gets in the first strikes against his opponet.

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Both characters offer two force powers, for the jedi he is able to push and throw his opponent, this comes in very handy in group fights. Even though both characters posses the force powers, jedi has better control over it and thus his powers are stronger than the sith force.

Sith warrior abilities:

Unlike the jedi sith has a very strong armor which mean he can take alot of damage and still fight back. The sith carries heavy armor making him much slower but stronger in the defense game.

The sith force powers are choke and shock which is great for long range fights. The problem is the sith power is not strong enough resulting in his forces to be weaker than the jedi's. The jedi's strong force power is its biggest attribute in the game.

However, the sith has its own attributes which make him deadly, they are his melee attacks. The sith is equipped with two lightsabers not one like the jedi. This means he does more damage at close range and can take on multiple enemies. When attacking at close range the sith warrior is a guaranteed winner.

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