Sunday 13 May 2012

How to level in SWTOR (Proven Method)

There is variety of ways to level up in swtor but theres only one way to level up fast. I will share some tips and tricks you guys can use to level up faster than most players out there. Keep in mind leveling does take time. so the more you play the faster you ll level up.

First of doing quest that have multiple stages help a lot as they provide extra xp and rewards. Its a good idea to keep this in mind as even little things like this will make you level faster.

Next save time while you can, use vehicles, companions and spaceships to get to different places faster. The faster you get some where the more time you have to do quests. There are also two abilites you can use called quick travel and emergency fleet pass. The only downside to the emergency fleep pass is that it has a cool down time of 18 hours, so choose wisely when to use it.

Pvp quests, yes doing pvp quest will help you level up as well. Once you hit lvl 12 you can start engaging in PVP quests. You can find them in the PVP terminal found in the imperial fleet or the republic fleet. Its a good ide to use the emergency pass to get back to this place.

Flashpoint quests, these quests can be found in the daily mission terminal which usually give you 2 flashpoints to choose from. They usually offer a nice reward when completed. This also ties into flashpoint and group quests, that is if you can put a group together.

Most importantly spacebar your way through the dialog, this will cut your time in half. Lastly do side quests and explore the world once you complete the main quest for the day. Go to different planets and see what quests are avaliable.

However, swtor is a little bit different than most mmo. Most people like to listen to the story of this game so there is no reason to level up fast unless your more into PVP,

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