Wednesday 6 June 2012

Winter Olympics game of 2014

Summer Olympics held in 2012 so this is the time for winter Olympics and they will held in 2014. These Olympic Games will be played in Sochi that is a city of Russia. Russia is paying its full attention to the Sochi as it is going to be the center of the world for almost two weeks. People from all over the world will come to watch these sports and players from more than 100 countries will participate in 2014 Olympics. Every year some new countries participate in the Olympics and in 2014 many new countries will participate in these games for the first time. IOC is paying its visits to Sochi and is looking for the quality of the arrangements. Till now everything is going fine as Russia is following all the instruction of IOC and making everything possible.

Winter Olympics of 2014 will hold in Sochi Olympic stadium. This is a totally new stadium and still it is under construction. According to latest news it is expected that the construction of the stadium will be completed in the end of 2012 or in the start of 2013. In addition to this stadium Russia is making many new roads for the convenience of visitors. These roads normally take you directly to Sochi from the airport. For 2014 Olympic Russia will have special flight timings for the fans of Olympics. In addition to the flights some new trains will also be launched to help the visitors. By looking at these preparations it can be said that these Olympics are going to be the best.

Russia is preparing itself for the Olympics and IOC is expecting that everything will be ready till the middle of 2013.To check the arrangements of the Olympics IOC is paying continuous visits to the Sochi and till now they are very satisfied with the preparation. Fans of the Olympics are really very excited for these Olympics as the schedule for the Olympics has been released and now people are waiting to buy the ticket for 2014 Olympic Games.

Tickets for the Olympics are expected to be available in the end of 2012 or in the first quarter of 2013. This time IOC will make sure that fans from all over the world get the opportunity to purchase the tickets and for this they are making special arrangements. Hotels and resorts in Sochi are available for booking and if you are planning visit to Russia in 2014, then it is better to book a hotel now otherwise it will be too late.

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